Join our dynamic team and be part of our network around the world.
1. Submit your resume - Bewerbungsunterlagen hochladen
We are looking forward to receiving your job application via our DKMS Career Portal!
Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung über unser DKMS-Karriereportal!
2. Job interview - Bewerbungsgespräch
Due to the pandemic, we typically meet digitally for the first job interview.
Aufgrund der Pandemie treffen wir uns in der Regel zum ersten Vorstellungsgespräch digital.
3. Start your career - Starte Deine Karriere
Start your career and help to give blood cancer patients a second chance at life.
Starte Deine Karriere und helfe mit, Blutkrebspatienten eine zweite Chance auf Leben zu geben.
Every day, we help save lives by genotyping potential stem cell donors for the DKMS group, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders. We are constantly looking for qualified employees full and part-time, especially for our sample reception, laboratory management, and also in scientific areas.
We are currently looking for dedicated MTAs for our lab. Join our team! DKMS Career Portal!
The DKMS Life Science Lab is a pioneering organization that regularly initiates or is involved in scientific projects. We are searching for highly qualified employees who call conventional practices into question, are open to new ideas, and share with us the passion for helping patients with blood cancer or blood disorders. The videos provide a brief insight into what makes our lab unique and why it is worth working for us.
The DKMS Life Science Lab is growing dynamically and has a management team that is keenly aware of employee value. We have a unique corporate team culture that places trust and confidence in our staff and their abilities. Every employee is assigned responsibilities from the outset. Our flexible working models actively support the balance between career and family life. We offer attractive employee benefits like:
Last but not least we have one of the most motivating business goals. Our work is essential to provide blood cancer patients with a second chance at life.
Just have a look, we are looking forward to your application via our DKMS Career Portal.
Wir suchen laufend qualifizierte Mitarbeiter:innen in Voll- und Teilzeit, insbesondere für unseren Probeneingang, im Labormanagement und auch in den wissenschaftlichen Bereichen. Die obigen Videos (in deutscher Sprache) geben einen kleinen Einblick, was unser Labor so besonders macht und warum es sich lohnt, bei uns zu arbeiten.
Schau einfach rein, wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung über unser DKMS Career Portal.